
All things baby

Well, I had another visit to the Dr's today for another ultrasound to check fluid and baby. My fluid level was 8.3 which isn't great, but much better than last Thursday's results (5.1)! I did have a few other changes today as well to warrant continuing to keep a close eye on me. So, I go back Sunday morning for another ultrasound. Basically my dr gets the feeling I could go into labor at any time, but if I haven't delivered by 37 weeks (Wednesday, May 30th), then she is going to induce me. This kiddo is measuring on the bigger side (which I know ultrasounds at this stage can be off), but with all the problems I've had we don't want to risk anything, and I am totally okay with that! Obviously I would love to make it to 37 weeks, but I do feel more of a peace now that I've had my steroids AND baby seems to be on the bigger side. I rest assured in the fact that God has it all under control and He hols both mommy and Youngin' in the palm of His hands:). The nursery is really coming together!!! Chris sanded, primed and painted an old desk that we will use as the changing table and we got new hardware for it to add a little POC (aka pop of color). I will post pics as soon as its completed. The next project is to find specific spots for everything. Of course we got a call on Tuesday morning that someone wanted to come that morning to view our house and our baby shower gifts were scattered between the living room and the nursery with no specific homes. So, we, well my mom and Chris, quickly found temporary hidden spaces for the item so the house could look good for the showing. I'm hoping to be able to sit tomorrow and figure out living spaces for all of these new items. My OCD is kicking into high gear :). Bedrest is not an accomodator of OCDers!! I really feel very disconnected from the outside world due to bedrest. It's sad that I get excited about going to the dr just so I can get outside! I am definitely thankful for technology, social networks, and blogging. Oh and of course my iPad that helps me have quick access to all of those! I welcome visitors, but I warn you that I may talk your ear off due to my loneliness! I have found that I talk to myself now....even more, which is kinda scary, and poor Zoe is probably ready for a break from me too! I plan on wearing baby out with frequent trips out (once I feel up to it) after all this bedrest :). I can't wait to meet my lil munchkin!! I'm still not quite sure it's even hit me yet that baby will be here in 2 weeks (at most). I am sure you never really feel prepared, but it just still doesn't even feel real.....I sure hope this is normal! Let me just add this....I've been keeping up with American Idol this year and Phillip Phillips does NOT deserve to be in the!!! Don't get me wrong, he sings good, but he doesn't have the talent that Josh and Jessica do. It's all because a bunch of 13 year old girls think he's hot. Okay, I feel better! Whew glad I got that off my chest! LOL Well, I should probably wrap this up and get to bed since tomorrow I have to.....lay on the couch all day :)I will continue to update everyone on our status, and I may even throw in another blog just because. I hope everyone enjoys their Friday!!


  1. I love Phillip Phillips ... I am not 13 :) I hope things are going well, cant wait to see your little baby soon on Facebook! or in person!

  2. Figures you would Angela :-P do you love his voice or his looks? I would LOVE to see you soon! Maybe once baby gets here we can have a lunch date. Hope you're doing well! Oh, better yet a swimming date since Ashley lives in STL now :-)
