
Where has the time gone?

Okay, so it's been quite a while! I'm still trying to figure out a "blogging routine" so that I can try to keep up. It's harder than it seems to try to fit blogging into my evenings. These last couple of weeks have been so busy and have flown by! I can't believe we are in the last week of February. Before I know it, June will be here and that's not okay bc we have SO much to do before the baby gets here! Anyways, back to routine! I mentioned on back that I was following the cleaning routine from cleanmama blog and that's working pretty good. I haven't stuck to it religiously, but enough to keep up and not have to spend a whole Saturday cleaning. In trying to become more organized and have more of a nightly routine, I have also decided to make a weekly menu and grocery list on Fridays or Saturdays that way we aren't scrounging around for dinner each night. I did this for this week so we shall see how it goes:-) I'm hoping it works well so that I can keep up with my blog too. Oh, and I also decided to do 1 load of laundry each evening which includes washing, drying, folding and putting it away. I'm gonna give this a try so that I don't have 20 loads all in one night and then baskets full
Of clothes that need folded all in one night. It's a trial by error kind of thing :-). This is all in an effort to have some sort of evening routine down by the time baby arrives. And I figured I would start trying different things now (a few months ahead of time) that way I can see what works best/ easiest. I'm all about organization!! And so in the midst of all this "trial by error" phase, we are putting our house back on the market next week. And then the craziness begins where we have to make sure our house is spotless everytime we leave the house in case visitors want to stop by. I'm excited and nervous all at once! I just keep telling myself that right thing will happen, and God knows what is best. Why stress about something that is completely out of my control? Yah, that's the question I keep in the back of my mind to attempt to keep myself "stress free".

As far as the pregnancy goes, I am doing well and so is baby! Growing and kicking each day. I never thought I would just lay in bed and watch my belly, but it's so much fun watching and feeling every little and big kick! Sometimes I wonder what kind of dance moves baby is doing....it's been such a fun & exciting experience. I'm still not quite sure it's hit me yet. Which maybe it doesn't until your holding your baby. I dunno, what do you already mommas think? We still have yet to do our baby registry. There's SO much stuff that's needed I don't even know where to start! Our plan is to take a day or evening and just go exploring at Babies R Us just to kind of get an idea before actually going to register.

Ok, so in an attempt to be better and more consistent with this whole blogging idea, I downloaded the blogger app so I can update my blog from the convenience of my iPhone :-) I'm giving it a try right now! So, hopefully the next time I'm updating won't be 4 weeks from now :-). Happy Monday and Happy Leap Year week!