Whew! I feel like I have gone non-stop since I got home from work at 5:30. And that's probably because I have. I decided this morning that I would put a pork roast in the crockpot for dinner tonight. I found a new recipe for "apricot glazed slow cooker pork roast" on Campbell's website. It was actually pretty good!
http://www.campbellkitchen.com/RecipeDetail.aspx?recipeId=25213&ref=%2fSearchRecipesResult.aspx%3fq%3dslow%2bcooker%26filter%3ding.Pork..... there's the link if you'd like to try it :-) So, when I got home dinner was all ready to go. Can I just throw in here how much I
LOVE my crockpot?!?!! I should really use it more often. And not to mention, Chris had the day off so he was able to prepare the side dishes that went along with the meat.....he's the greatest! Okay, so back to my evening. So, we ate and then I showered so that I could get into my comfy clothes, aka my pjs. While in the shower, my mind was going 90 to nothing of all the stuff I needed/wanted to get done this evening. My first priority after my shower was to get the dishes cleaned up from dinner. How I long to some day have a dishwasher, but until then it's either myself or Chris. So, we did it together to make it go faster :-) Oh, and I forgot to mention that while Chris was off today he did some laundry.....he really is super husband! So, while I finished up in the kitchen he started folding the laundry. By the time I finished, the clothes were ready to be put away so I did that. And then I got the "energy" to FINALLY take our Christmas tree down and the few decorations that we had up. Can I just say that I love my Christmas tree and the way it lights up my living room! This year we didnt have to rearrange any furniture in order to put it up, we just kinda put it in an empty spot. All the more reason for me to want to keep it up.....because it wasn't "in the way" of any normal furniture. So, clearly it took a lot of convincing to myself, since it's January 10th, to take it down. I must admit, the living room looks bigger once again, but just not as cheery :-/ Okay, so back to my productiveness. As if that wasn't enough, then I decided to vacuum the living room, dust the entire house, and clean all the mirrors. I am attempting to follow the "clean & organized challenge" by cleanmama, one of the bloggers I follow, found here (
http://www.cleanmama.blogspot.com/). Each day you choose 1 chore to tackle, but by the end of the week you have a clean and organized house without making it an all day event. I have really enjoyed reading her blog because I am all about having a clean house and organizing!!! So, once I finished those "chores", I decided to update our Mint budget. I started using Mint.com last January, but kinda got away from it these last couple months. So, I decided I wanted to try it again because we found it very helpful last year and easy to use. I had some updating to do, and still have a little more but for the most part I got it back on track and ready to use, so I'm excited! Especially with the baby coming, I want to be able to save every little penny that's extra, and I know this will help. So, as you see....well okay read....this has been quite the productive evening. And what better way to end it than by writing on my blog and sharing it with you. Although you're probably bored to tears and ready for bed, if not already asleep :-) Now, I think I shall read my Bible and call it a night!
This pic is just for fun....it's my "15 week belly bump"
you're welcome at my house anytime...every night for that matter. You can implement that simple system. :)