
Busy, busy

I promise I didn't forget that I started a blog, it's just been one crazy week! Long story short, I was admitted to the hospital Wednesday evening for some heart issues. They kept me overnight so they could monitor me, and Thursday morning the Cardiologist came to see me and they did an EKG and an ECHO of my heart. All the test results came back normal (thank God), so I got to go home Thursday afternoon. Needless to say, I was definitely more worried about the baby than I was myself. But thankfully baby turned out to be just fine as well :-) Speaking of baby......IT is a little over 4.5 inches this week and about the size of an avocado. I feel as though my stomach tells a different story, but I guess that's just me trying to get used to having a belly. I had some pictures taken at the OB office I work at.....oh the awesome perks of my job..... On Friday (16 wks 2 days old). My little youngin is quite the acrobat! Chin was to the chest and knee was hitting the nose!! Try that position and let me know how it works out for ya :-) The detail that the ultrasound shows is simply amazing!! One of the pics that I'll be sharing you can see it's little legs are crossed at the ankles with a little hand at the bottom of the screen....SO cute!! I just love my little youngin so much already :-) Many of y'all have asked when we find out what we are having.......so about that. As of now, Chris and I have decided that we want it to be a surprise! I have wanted that all along and it took a little convincing on Chris' part, but I think he's finally come around. This is not a 100% decision, but it is our current plan. However, my "big ultrasound" is scheduled for the end of January, so we have until then to change our minds. As a labor and delivery nurse, I have found that those are the most exciting deliveries to be apart of!!! Tears are always a guarantee bc of the surprise :-) As if I'll need another reason to cry! Well, this lil momma is tired so I'm going to call it a night . I hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Alysa- I think it is great you are going to be surprised by the gender. We didn't find out with our first either. It was so much more fun to go out and say "It's a boy" when no one knew. I am so happy for you. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures! I'm sooo very excited! And praying for your health. I know how stressful it can be. Love and hugs to you!
    Aunt Misty :)

  3. love the new blog
    im glad you are feeling better.
    i love the pics of your little "youngin".
    Come visit my new blog http://mammasoutofbounds.blogspot.com
    Miss u at work.
