I hope everyone had a great week of work, whatever that may entail for you! This week went by fairly quickly for me, thankfully. I will always welcome those kinds of work weeks. I found myself feeling a lot less energized this week, thus the reason no post for a while. My sleep at night has been nothing to brag about for sure. For some reason, the restlessness has already settled in.....isn't it a little early for that? Especially since I don't have a big belly to be contending with?! I guess this is just the beginning, right? And not to mention the frequent trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Oh well, it's all worth it! Anywho.....I've had many of you ask how the new job is going so I'm going to talk a little bit about that. I LOVE it! It's a completely different pace from bedside/floor nursing, especially when you're talking about L&D at MoBap. Ever since I worked in a Dr's office my Sr year of high school, I have eventually wanted my career to land me in an office, and here I am! I enjoy the "office" part of being a nurse, whether it be filing paperwork, calling patient's with their lab results, answering patient questions (some very legit and some quite hilarious), etc. These are all things I have been placed in charge of thus far at my new job, and I am enjoying it! I am still working PRN at the hospital, bc there's that part of me that LOVES being apart of the delivery and taking care of mom/baby. It's hard to let go of something that you've done for 5 years, especially when you enjoy it. However, working 6 days a week some weeks is quite exhausting. Espeically knowing that the 6th day is a 12 hour shift. I experienced this last week, which could be why my energy level was at a ZERO all week! My bank account loves it, but my body sure doesn't :-) Another perk about working both places is that I will hopefully be able to take care of one of our office patients when it's time for her delivery. I love that "follow through" and seeing someone from the beginning to the end! But that probably means nothing to any of you, so I'll stop now :-)
As far as this weeks adventures, I spent a lot of time doing some searching for fabric for the nursery. www.fabric.com I have conned my mom into making the crib bedding, so Ive been trying to figure out colors, patterns, etc. Not knowing the gender makes it a little more, okay.... alot more difficult to pick out colors. What I think is neutral and what Chris thinks is neutral are slightly different. And I'm a visual person, so I have to see something in person in order to see it in my head...does that make sense? Unfortunately, I can't just thinking something up in my head and then produce it. Basically, I'm a huge copy-cat, but that's just how I've always been. Thankfully, Pinterest was invented and has been my lifesaver when it comes to getting ideas, etc. I'd love to meet the person that founded Pinterest!!! My hero for sure :-) Back to the copy-cat thing, I'm hoping that I can find a couple things that I like and put my own twist on it. And luckily my mom is quite creative as well! Her poor little hands are gonna be tired by the end of all this, but she said she's ready so we shall see. I'm not sure she even knows what she's getting herself into! I suppose grandparents will do just about anything for the grandkids though, especially when it's the 1st one. I am definitely blessed to have such a talented mom. Anytime I come across something that I like, I either take a picture of it or save it into a file on my computer, bc why spend a lot of money buying something that I know my mom can make for me. She's been taking plenty of pictures herself as well! So, eventually over the next couple of months we will decide on colors/patterns and have all of that squared away. It seems quite overwhelming, so I'm trying to tackle one thing at a time. Maybe I should make a list.....hmm I LOVE lists and checking things off. Being OCD comes in handy most of the time!
On a different note, this year I decided that along with reading my Bible I would read a daily devotional as well. I use the YouVersion app on my phone for my Bible reading program and the devotional program. I chose Rick Warren for my daily devotional and I have been so encouraged! His daily readings are very challenging and applicable and he also accompanies each reading with at least 1 scripture to go along with it. It's been great for me! I challenge you that if you don't already have one that you read on a daily basis to find one. I also have one of Joyce Meyers devotional books, "Battlefield of the Mind" and I like that one too. There's plenty of them out there!
I can't believe I've made it this far without mentioning how much I enjoy a relaxing Saturday!!! I got to sleep in til 8:30 today, got up and had some breakfast, relaxed for a few minutes and then started on a few things around the house. Washed some dishes, made the bed, put some laundry away and started another load, and then I started on my Taco Soup for this afternoon. Today we are having a fish fry at my parents house......and I don't do the seafood thing, so I am making soup :-) It's smelling delicious by the way! Oh, and I got to cook it in my new dutch oven!! So while that was simmering I decided to grab my cup of coffee and sit on the couch and blog to catch yall up :-) Quite relaxing! This is my kind of Saturday! I had all intentions of getting out this morning to go shopping for some maternity clothes, but it's just so cold out there and way too comfy in my house. So, I'm thinking after the festivities at my parents house I may try to hit up a few stores. I'll try to take some pictures today and maybe post them later....I'm still trying to get used to this whole "blogging thing" and get into the swing of things. I know for me I always enjoy looking at pics on the blogs that I follow, so I'll try to do the same!
p.s. I am SO ready to go back to the beach and to be that tan again :-) Just a few more months!!